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My Struggles

Hello, I’m Anne, aka the Fit Bridesmaid (or trying to be).

Typical story.  I’ve struggled with weight since about high school.  In seventh grade, at the age of 13, I looked like this:

June 1995, 113 lbs, after dance recital (thus the makeup)

Then, as usually happens, I hit puberty.  During high school, I danced 5-6 days per week, and ended up doing color guard for two years (best exercise program EVER).  However, I ate CRAP!!  My mom told me later that she didn’t like my eating habits, but was afraid to say anything, since I was in dance and could have a bad body image.  At the end of high school, I looked like this:

June 2000, 145 lbs, again after dance recital

Then I went to college.  I enjoyed the all you can eat cafeteria a little too much.  I stopped exercising, and gained the freshman 15 (more like 25).  My fourth year (of a five year program),I was in charge of my sorority’s crush dance in February 2004, and looked like this:

February 2004, ~170 lbs, didn’t even want to show my face

That summer, I took matters into my own hands.  I had started exercising the past few years, but it never showed up at the scale.  I knew that if I didn’t do something now, my weight issues would only get worse.  So I signed up for Weight Watchers in June 2004.   By December of that year I had lost 20 lbs.  Here’s a picture from my sororities orchid ball that fall (I organized it;  it took place at in our football stadium’s press box! SO PROUD!)

November 2004, ~150 lbs, Look at my skinny arms!

Since hitting goal and maintaining it for about 9 months, I proceeded to gain it all back!  ARGH!  It’s a journey, and it never ends!

Slide show:

Nov. 2006                                        January 2007 (yuck!)                       January 2008                        December 2008

October 2009, still in the low 160’s.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. February 2, 2010 5:31 PM

    I just found your blog and I really like it. I look forward to reading your journey! haha! And I LOVE the title of your blog! 🙂


  1. Going Bananas for Bananas! « Thefitbridesmaid's Blog

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